Every man is the centre of his own universe that recedes away from him in all directions and undergoes continuously altering distortions as he scans it


John White, Perspective in Ancient Drawing and Painting (London: Society for the

Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 1956), pg 86.


In the winter of 2015 I did a lot of drawings of the cemetery outside my studio window. I was trying to notice what my gaze was doing - how it turned the big frosty grave plots into a neat pattern of trapeziums and parallelograms.

One evening I drew until my studio was completely dark and I couldn’t see what shapes I was making or which colours I was using.

The graveyard at night

Soft pastel on paper
112cm x 54cm
December 2016



Wood, tombstock (folding ruler) rotating nickel joints, soft pencil
300cm x 117cm x 34cm


Night air

Polished wall, wax crayon
410cm x 220cm x 1.2cm


The photographs above show my studio at Malmö Art Academy during the Annual Exhibition of 2016. Night air was soon joined by planning drawings for the dome and crosses made to test the peripheral vision. 

Some months earlier.


A dome at eye level


Useful work and pointless toil